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Psychological Support

Methods of treatment

 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy- CBT  

A psychological approach intended to create  a change in the patterns of thinking ( cognition ) as well as a change in the course of action ( behavior ). CBT is usually a short-term treatment , that tends to focus on present events such as adversities, distress, and patterns of thought and behavior that cause emotional disturbances

 Health Psychology

Health Psychology is a field that is devoted to the understanding of  the therapeutic relationship between body and mind in various medical conditions. By observing simultaneously both the physiological and psychological aspects of the patient, this therapy allows a broad and deep understanding of the illness. We look beyond just  physical symptoms , and thus improve the coping with these challenging situations for patients and family members.

Mindfulness is basically an approach to life that invites us to look in a nonjudgmental way at our experiences. Mindfulness meditation assimilated into the world over the last decades, and has become a successful therapy for the treating stress, depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorders, as well as physical conditions such as chronic pain and mental disturbances related to emotional strain.



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